Sunday, September 28, 2008

List Building Strategies #1 secret weapon

Hello Digital Wealth Building Warriors

When it comes to building digtal wealth- The money is in the list.
And If you have been on the intenet for any length of time you have
heard of all of the traditional List building strategies to obtain peoples
name and email addresses such as:

1. Offer a free newsletter
2. Offer free tele-seminars
3. Writing articles
4. Writing an Ebook and giving it away.
5. Creating Videos with offers.

All of these are great ways to build a list but there is a even
better way, that Gurus don't always talk about but is highly effective.

It's called "Co-registration"
The top marketing experts on the Internet use this secret today.
This will build your list rapidly in a short amount of time.
What is co-registration you ask? It refers to the practice of referring
subscriptions or leads for memberships with another registration process.

There are several ways of doing this.

When a visitor signs up for a free subscription or other service,
give them the chance on the "thank-you" page to opt-in to another offer.

Another way is give the visitors to a website the opportunity to sign up for
another opt-in list. These do not need to be your "thank-you" pages or websites.
You need to partner up with another web marketer.

The goal here is to find other website owners who you can joint venture with to
offer your newsletter along with theirs. Do a search via your favorite search engine
and directories for similar offers and contact the people to set up your joint venture.

This technique works great and will truly help you build that digital Wealth.
For more Information marketing checkout my video blog at