Here are few interesting facts being presented by Emarketers
The No 1. roadblock, however, was the perception that “our customers do not use social networks,” claimed by 31% of small businesses. Nearly as many complained that they did not have the time or staff available to do a good job with social network marketing.
Keeping this in mind, if you are a business owner, who believes education, Training and Time are your issues with social media. Then Feel free to call me at 630-460-3279 or email me at and I will share with you:
(1) Easy ways to find your customers in the social networks,
(2) Cost Effective ways to use social media to generate leads.
(3) How to automate and spends less time in the social networks.
If your not a member of social media newsletter be sure to sign-up so you can get the newest and most uptoday information on building your business with social media marketing.
Recently I completed an in-depth 75min teleseminar on
“How to use social media marketing tactics to grow your business” For details go to: